Author: Amy Santiago

I am a relationship coach and author. I have been in the industry for over 6 years, building my skill set to help people find love. I’ve helped thousands of clients find their happy endings through coaching sessions, seminars, workshops, and more! My goal is to empower anyone who feels stuck or lost on their journey of finding true love.
When you notice that a guy is ghosting you, it can be hard not to take it personally. The truth of the matter, though, is that there are many reasons why they might want nothing more than just to disappear and leave you wondering what happened. This article will discuss some of those reasons why guys ghost and. How to make a guy regret ghosting you, so we don’t have to feel like he’s abandoned us! A recent study revealed the rates of ghosting over the years. According to MILLENNIAL DATING STATISTICS, 71 % of men have been involved in…
A good morning paragraphs for him is the best thing you can give to your boyfriend every day. You start your day with it, and that will make your boyfriend feel very special. Your boyfriend will be happy to read that paragraph every morning because he knows YOU think about him. A morning can give you a good start. When you feel the touch of the sun and the sweet care of the breeze, your day becomes happy and joyful. Good morning paragraphs for him show how much you care about him and his feelings. Good morning paragraphs or Messages…
I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “Don’t be a simp,” and if someone has told you that, it’s probably because they think you’re being too passive. But what does this really mean? When someone tells us not to be a simp, what do they want from us? Do we need to take control of our life or something like that? And how should we go about doing this without becoming an alpha male douchebag who is full of rage and anger? What Does Simp Mean? Word Simp is an abbreviation of Simpleton, but according to the urban dictionary, it means a…
Nurses are beautiful young women who are dedicated to their work and willing to be there for you at all times. They are known to be caring, disciplined, fun, and confident, which is why you should start dating a female nurse. If you’re looking for a girlfriend and expect to marry and settle down, I’d recommend you go and date a nurse. Not only nurses are educated, but they’re also hardworking, kind, and compassionate. The nursing profession is an interesting one. Many male nurses and female nurses take care of sick patients to advocate for better healthcare policy changes. Nurses…
We all know that dating is tough these days. The competition is intense, and the list of requirements for a potential date seems to be expanding every day. Well, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be like this! If you’re looking for someone who has their act together, then look no further than your local hospital. Doctors are intelligent, compassionate people with lots of valuable life experience – what more could you ask for? In this post, we’ll discuss 11 reasons why you should start dating a doctor in 2021. Things You Should Know Before Dating…
Love is one of the most amazing feelings ever, which makes love quotes much more common in life. They are mostly used for making someone feel special, but love quotes can be used for any other purpose. Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Also, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection—‘the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. Love is a solid and universal emotion experienced by people in all societies. Moreover, love letters have been sent for centuries to help communicate these feelings. It makes sense that…
We are all human beings and make mistakes. Even if it is a small mistake, it will still leave you with scars and pain. Maybe it is caused by your fault or just happened because of some other people’s fault. The important thing is that you know how to forgive yourself for cheating in a committed relationship. It can be challenging to think about this problem without worrying too much. This is because the thought of cheating will play repeat in your mind every day until you consider action. If you are looking for the right way to forgive yourself…
In today’s society, texting has become the most popular form of communication. In fact, all most 95% of people in America use their phones to text. But do you really think this is a good idea? According to “The Psychology of Texting,” by Alan Manevitz says that how texts can be seen as less personal and more ambiguous than face-to-face conversations because they lack body language cues. She also argues that seeing someone type on a screen instead of speaking with them makes the conversation seem less genuine and caring. This means not only are we hurting our relationships by texting…
Do Guys notice when you stop texting them? This question is probably the most common one I get asked by my friends. It’s pretty simple. Stop texting your date (or potential boyfriend) once you stop responding completely and see if he notices. It is almost like you just disappear. You are not responding to his messages or calls. Then, he starts wondering if something happened to you because that’s the only reason why someone would stop talking with him without telling him anything about it beforehand. And when this happens a lot of times in a row, he will even…
Many times, the signs that a man knows he messed up might not be obvious. Men are not great at talking about how they feel, which means they might have no idea that the woman they’re with is angry or hurt. Other times, men know what they did was wrong even if they are not emotionally mature enough to admit it. But when they know that they messed up things after some time, they feel guilty and regrets it. If you were in a long-distance relationship, that pain could be intensified. Now you’re wondering whether or not he regrets leaving…