You’re trying to figure out if your ex is pretending to be over you? Unsure if contact will make things worse? Millions of people before you have shared the same concerns. Here are some signs that your ex pretends to be over you, so they don’t have to deal with your pesky calls or visits. You can use this information to understand better what is going on in their head and how to use this information to get an ex back.
The wounds of a breakup. It was probably the hardest thing you’ve ever been through, and it still hurts now and again. But you know better. You’ve finally realized they’re not coming back. They’re clearly over you. On top of that, you’re beginning to move on with your life. They contact you out of the blue! You were sure they were done with you, but those feelings come rushing back, and it’s hard not to fall back into the same old feelings again.
14 Signs Your Ex Is Pretending To Be Over You
If you recently broken up with your partner, you may have problems letting go and moving on. It is not easy to do, especially if you still love your ex. You have to understand that every person has their capacity to get over a lost relationship. Some people could take several months or years before they finally get over the pain of losing their previous partner. There are 14 signs your ex is pretending to be over you.
1. They’re Playing the Jealousy Card
Your ex might be pretending to be over you if they are playing the jealousy game. They will show up out of nowhere and pretend that they aren’t interested in getting back together. If your ex suddenly appears after ignoring you for a couple of weeks, then it is likely that they are only acting like they are over you.
Transformations of the heart often come after the person is ready to give it another shot, so they will act like they aren’t interested. They don’t want to admit that they are wrong, and they still want you back in their life.
Read More: 8 Signs He’s Pretending Not to Like You
2. They stalk you on social media.
Your ex might be pretending to be over you if they are constantly stalking you on social media. They know that it’s dangerous to check your Facebook and Twitter accounts, but they can’t stop themselves.
If they know that nothing is going on between the two of you and yet, they keep checking up on you, then it is a sign that they might still have some feelings for you. They don’t want to get back together, but there is still some attraction between the two of you.
3. They started giving you the cold shoulder.
Sign your ex might be pretending to be over you if they started giving you the cold shoulder. If they said that they want space and yet are still staring at your social media accounts, then it is likely that they don’t want to move on with their lives. They will appear out of nowhere whenever you post something new, even if it doesn’t have to deal with them.
They might also start talking about you with their friends and family because they don’t want you to get away from them yet. Your ex is trying to hold on to the past because they aren’t ready to let go of what used to be between the two of you.
4. They might be trying not to show that they miss you
Your ex might pretend to be over you if they try not to show that they miss you. They don’t want people around them to know about their feelings even though it will be obvious in their actions. If they don’t want to admit that they miss you, but somehow end up talking about you every day, then it is a sign that they are trying to hold on to the past.
Your ex might be acting like everything is fine and they don’t think about you anymore, but in reality, nothing can stop them from thinking about what the two of you used to have.

Read: 10 Biggest Signs You are Moving On From Your Ex
5. They got back in touch with their ex.
Your ex might be pretending that they were over you when they started getting back in touch with their ex. They know that it is bad to get in touch with an old flame, but there is nothing they can do. They might have vowed to themselves that they are over you, but their friends know better.
If your ex started getting back in touch with one of their old flames, then it is a sign that they are struggling with what is going on between the two of you. They still love you, but they don’t want to admit it just yet.
6. They Text You Sometimes But Never Want To Talk On The Phone or See You In Person
Your Ex is pulling the old bait-and-switch. This means that they pretend to be open to contact but then reject your attempts at more contact. If you call them, they might text back “Hey” or even “What’s Up?” They might even give you a list of excuses about why they don’t want to see or talk to you. I
f this is the case, it probably means that they want to keep their options open if something better comes along. Most people would rather text than talk on the phone because it is easier to get out of a conversation. They don’t have to confront you in person, and it allows them to end the conversation when they want to.
Must Read: Why Some People Can’t Stop Thinking About Their Exes
7. They Occasionally Show Interest In How You Are Doing But Then Disappear Again When You Try To Meet Up Or Talk More
Your ex might want you around for a bit of excitement. Sometimes they might show interest again and try to use you to distract from their boring life. They might think that spending time with you will make them feel better about their life for a short while, but then the novelty will wear off after a few weeks or months of casual contact.
This is also another form of bait-and-switch because your ex might call you up when they feel lonely but then reject your attempts at contact again.
8. They Keep Contacting You To Reassure Themselves That They Made The Right Decision
Your ex isn’t over you yet if they keep contacting you to reassure themselves that they made the right decision. If they suddenly disappear again, that might be a sign of how they are still not over you. They will keep calling you every few months to ensure life is okay, but they won’t want to see or talk to you for more than 5 or 10 minutes.
This means they are afraid of getting back together with you, but they will keep calling to protect themselves from loneliness.
Read: How to forgive yourself for cheating
9. They Stop Bringing Up The Issues That Broke You Up In The First Place But Keep Asking About Your New Life Instead
If your ex is pretending to be over you, it also means that they haven’t resolved the issues in their mind yet. They are still hung up about what caused the breakup. If they ask you lots of questions about your new life without being curious about their own life, it probably means that they care more about how you are doing than how they are doing. This is a sign that they might avoid dealing with the real issues by focusing on your life instead.
10. The Reach Out To You When They Are Lonely Or Stressed, But Then Back Away When You Argue With Them
If you are arguing with your ex, and they suddenly call or text you to act like nothing happened, then it probably means they are pretending to be over you. This might mean that they are still not over you because they want to hear from you when they are lonely or stressed, but then they get mad when they feel like you are pressuring them. They will call and text when it suits their needs, but other times they will ignore your attempts to contact them.
11. They are posting inspirational quotes on social media.
These are generally images with words like “keep your head up” and hashtags like #motivationmonday. These posts can be found all over Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Snapchat, and even Twitter. Some people find his kind of thing annoying, or they joke about wanting to punch the person in the face, but you should take this as a good sign.
When someone is ready to move on from a relationship, they generally won’t care about that person anymore and will want to cut off all ties.
12. They Keep Asking For Your Opinion On Personal Questions
It might be a sign that they are not over you if they ask for your opinion on the things going on in their life. If you let them, they might start to depend on your advice even though it is too late to save the relationship. They want to keep checking with you to see if you still care or whether they should give the relationship another chance. They might want to hear your opinion just so that they can brag to their friends about what you said.
13. They Act Like Nothing Is Going On Between You Two, But Still Keep Telling Their Friends About It
Your ex might be pretending to be over you, and they will want to show off and say that they are fine. They might even tell their friends about how you two got back together, but then the next day, they pretend like it never happened.
If they aren’t comfortable talking about their emotions, then it is a sign that there isn’t much going on between the two of you. They will only pretend to be over you as long as they don’t have to talk about it.
14. They’re inconsistent with their feelings.
Your ex might be pretending to be over you if they constantly contradict themselves when it comes to their feelings. If they said one thing and did another, they likely didn’t know what they wanted. They might have told you that they wish to space, yet they are still reaching out to you.
If they say that they don’t love you anymore but somehow end up cuddling with you under the covers, then it is a sign that they might be trying their best to hold on to what used to be between the two of you. They want some semblance of normalcy, and pretending that they don’t want you back is the only thing they know how to do.
Final Thoughts
If you see any of these signs, then it is likely that your ex still isn’t over you. Don’t stalk them or listen to what they say about how they are happy without you! It might only be a matter of time before they realize how much fun it is to have you back in their life, so just try to be patient! They might not be ready now, but they will miss you when you are gone.
If you want to get back together with your ex, then go ahead and give it a try. Your odds of success will depend on what is going on in their head at the time. Someone who is pretending to be over someone isn’t ready to give up on the relationship, so it might be a good idea for you to wait.